We never take shortcuts in the kitchen, except when it comes to the ingredients. The chefs use what the farm and the surrounding area have to offer, from potatoes, barley and chicken to rhubarb and grapes from the garden. Otherwise, we choose the best, Norwegian raw materials from the top shelf in Norway. The menus are put together based on what is in season, and all dishes are made with a high focus on taste, professional pride and love for the profession.

The lunch is what we call down-to-earth, and the dishes are always based on fresh ingredients – full of flavors that may bring back memories of childhood. And when it’s time for dinner, it must be done stately. Three, five or seven courses with just the right drink pairing? We’ve got it covered.

For more information, contact us directly.

Our supplier of wine is the Vingruppen

A real large farm
naturally grows its own wine grapes.

You will feel that you are a guest on a living farm.
The vast majority of the raw materials are from the farm or the surrounding area.

“We have chicken, potatoes, wheat, barley, cherries, Nordic fruits, honey and herbs on the farm.”